Giving is an act of worship


We all worship with our time and our talents and our resources.  We are all made in the image of a good, gracious, generous God who gives lavishly.  So, as we give, we reflect the character of our God to the world! 

If you are new to Grace, or if you are visiting our web site, please know that we aren’t asking you to give.  For those of us who are part of this body of believers, this is part of the rhythm of our worship.  Giving doesn’t do anything to gain God’s favor.  He doesn’t need our money, but he does use those resources to build His kingdom and enable various ministries to move forward.  Giving honors God and helps us to think outside of ourselves.

While we encourage giving to take place as part of our worship services, if you find that circumstances prompt the need for an alternative option, here is a means to give online.


By using this secure option, you can make a contribution to Grace Presbyterian Church.  There is currently the option to set up recurring gifts or one-time contributions to the General Fund & Gateway to Grace
(Building Fund).